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Dear Bettina


THANK YOU for yesterdays presentation about cancer and

7 Ways For Life.

Everyone who showed up and I was definitely THERE.

Therefore, I have spread the word about your performance in Aarhus in October to the local association of The Thistles.

As a teacher for 30 years myself, I would say: You did excellent!

There was great commitment, and the audience could feel it.

Important. Best Regards Helene

ICAK Cancer





Said by passers-by to: Cancer conference Copenhagen Culture House "What an inspiring, entertaining presentation Bettina, you should have had much more time"

"You are simply a self-taught and excellent communicator" "You get everyone involved" "Bettina, who was an immersive experience" "You are self-taught"

November 3rd. 2018 











         Conference audience


Me under the smiley
The Cancer conference as stated above

Dear Bettina,

I hereby attach feedback on your lecture.

It was an exceptionally good and well thought out Speech.

It was an engaging lecture you gave with us in Kirke Værløse 2015.

You managed to tell your own story about getting cancer twice and about opting out of

conventional treatment. You choose a different  holistic therapy, second time around.

You spoke in such a balanced and educational way that everyone could follow and understand you.

The people there dealing with cancer  in their lives felt included without being provoked in any way.

Quite the opposite.

 You are an extraordinarily good, inspiring and vibrant communicator and your message that you can take charge and choose yourself, was clearly conveyed.

As you also must have notised, no one particularly needed a break—everyone hung by your lips and wanted to hear everything you had to say.


Sincerely, Charlotte Søllner Hernø,

Chefredaktør RASK Magasinet her: Rask Media





Dear Bettina

Thank you so much for your comprehensive lecture last night. You gave yourself 100%, and we all got fantastic and not least realistic insight into the pluses and minuses that come with the treatments of such a serious disease as cancer, regardless of which form of treatment you choose. You are an exampel and role model for other people with cancer. You teach people, that it pays of, to take responsibility for your own health. Your " 7 Ways For Life" emphasized your strength and your presence and gave inspiration to all of us, no matter what level of decease you are facing. Thank you for allowing us to get so close.

Best regards, Vera – LNS, Vera Marcher, National Organisation of Natural Health LNS
















Dear Bettina,

You are a good and very lively storyteller, and it actually worked well that Lucas (my son of 19) could offer some things. It's pretty crazy to take your children out into the bush, etc.

If I may say something, I think it would be really nice if you could tell even more about the great crystals you had with you, and perhaps also a knowledge of why, for example, they drink blood from the animals and their other rituals.

Someone suggested that you and Lucas could do the lecture as a dialogue, but i know Lucas asked not to be in the speech and only support.

I only have good to say, it was exciting to hear about your experiences, and I think there was a good atmosphere

Thanks for this time.

Many good regards also to your son.

Annette Hansen

Anette Hansen is coordinator of the lecture series in Provstegården in Vemmelev -

Me and My children's Africa
Speech for
FOF South and West Zealand of Denmark 2019


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