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My 7 Ways For Life

Short version, more to come

1. Diet
I chose to live an alkaline lifestyle including a lot of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, lots of clean water, juices, soups, salads and much more

2. Exercise
To move your body is important for your immunsystem.
Walk, jog, swim, fitness, trampolin, stairs, bike, hike, breathe.

3. Restitution and sleep 
The body needs to rest some time and a good night sleep regenerates your cells and benefits your imunesystem.
Dopamine and serotonin among many other chemicals affect how we feel. You get more blodflow ind your body and oxygen to your c

4. Cleanse/Detox
Just like you clean your house and your outside body, the inside needs cleaning too. I personally use a mix of the following ways to cleanse/detox

Rebounding, drybrushing, masage, infrared sauna, earthing se video

5. Passion Fun and People
more texst coming soon

Click on text above to se video

6. Mental and Emotional part
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t coming soon

7. Balance and spirituality
more tex
t coming soon

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