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My Cancer Story

My cancer journey started in 2001.
I was diagnosed with follicular germinal center lymphoma.  
My tumor was the sice of a small walnut in my left groin.
I was 35 years old and had just given birth to my third child 4 month earlier.
After operation I was told by the oncologist, that i needed radiation. At that time i did not ask any questions because i thought that it was the only way to stay alive and heal my body.
Not knowing much about natural healing, i accepted and went with my 4 month old son, to treatments in what felt like a war bunkers. The radiation was under groundfloor in the hospital and today i am not surpriced why.
The emotional part was terrible for me and i remember feeling like i could not deal with it. I was close to screaming "i cant deal with this"
It felt so wrong but i stayed put and went through the treatment as planned. After treatment i just continued life and years past. I did not chance anything in my lifestyle beacause my beleive at the time was that my cancer was something comming from "out of space" and not something my body had created out of the state of my bodys terreain.
Fast forward to october 10th 2012.
Over the years i was able to get my bloodwork done and physical exam now and then. I had a lymfnodes remmoved in between the years but no cancer in that.
10 years after my  first diagnoses i felt a nodule and had a biopsi done. I was called in by my oncoligist ta have the result of my biopsi. I was once again the owner of a cancertumor 13X18mm  follicular germinal center lymphoma.
I decided against radiation or any other kind of konventional treatment and had no clue what to do except leave the office and i remember walking home from the hospital 10 miles in chok. 
Alot of people said i was  “insane” and i found out it was better for me not to share my choice of treatment until i was ready to do so.
After alot of research and long days and nights looking for the needle in the haystack i found a dvd that was the beginning of my 2 year journey experimenting with different natural and non-toxic therapies.
In the beginning i was all over the place trying everything and anything i could find. In 2012 there was not the huge amount of support and accesable clinics that are available today. 
After a while i figured out that for me i needed to choose some of the possibilities and go forward with my body experiment as i called it.
I finally found my 7 ways for life and after about 2 years i was 100% cleared and healed from my cancer tumor.
I went all in and radically changed my lifestyle.
This included my diet, exercise and the way i lived my life. There are many areas i changed and one of them was including supplements, teas, tinktures, powders ect.
If i should give any advise at all it would be to trust your self.
               Happy Healthy Body Mind And Soul
                                 I am not a doctor.
All information presented on this website should be regarded as friendly advice and opinions based on my experience and research.
This information is for educational purposes and should not be interpreted as medical advice.
I’m not making an attempt to prescribe any medical treatment — and the information contained on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified health practitioner.
My statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and the information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am also not a registered dietician dispensing dietary advice.
My approach to healing cancer without konventional treatment involved the use of many herbs, tinktures, oils, powders, tees, supplements, spiritual exercises.
I am not a doctor and only share my story to inspire and support others on their journey to health.

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